Upcoming Opportunities

Magical Day
Volunteer Shifts

Monday, February 24 (1 – 4 pm)

Wednesday, March 19 (1 – 5 pm)
Thursday, March 20 (1 – 5 pm)

If you have never completed our
volunteer application,

please do so before signing up for any shifts.

Mansion Memories Volunteers

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our oganization. From decorations, to food preparation to the final clean up, our volunteers are crucial in creating each Magical Day experience. Helping hands are always needed and welcome!


If you would like to join our amazing team of volunteers, please complete the online volunteer application by clicking the link above. Be sure to check back frequently to see our upcoming events, and make sure to look for our email announcements!

2024 Redlands Nonprofit of the Year

Mansion Memories is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Fed Tax ID # 47-3766606